List of Companies in Ovar, Portugal
Searching for businesses in Ovar? Explore a directory of 442 companies located in Ovar, Portugal. Top companies in Portugal, businesses near me.
We found 442 companies
Iberfibran - Poliestireno Extrudido S.A.
Av. 16 de Maio, Zona Industrial de Ovar, Ovar
Iberfibran - Poliestireno Extrudido S.A. is the pioneer in Portugal in the manufacture of rigid Extruded Polystyrene Foam (XPS) boards, a high quality and high performance thermal insulation product. ...
Verified+3 Years with us
1Bowlikart-Exploração de Karting e Bowling Lda
Avenida 16 Maio Lote 8, 3880-102, Ovar
O espaço de diversão na cidade de Ovar. Bowling, Karting, Bar, Gelataria, Snooker, Matraquilhos, Máquinas de diversão e muito mais...Visite-nos !!!
Corticeira Jelinek Portugal SA
Rua Brasil 244, 3880-108, Ovar
Corticeira Jelinek is part of a group of companies; Jelinek Cork Group which was established in 1855. Today it is one of the oldest continually active cork companies in the world.
Megacork-Comércio e Indústria de Aglomerados de Cortiça Lda
Rua Guiné Bissau Lote 24, 3880-103, Ovar
Portuguese Company, manufacturer of Cork Granules, Cork Rolls and Sheets, Cork Rubber, Cork Underlay
Fábrica de Papel do Ave SA
Zona Industrial 92, 3880-108, Ovar
Compañía líder en el sector de embalaje en España, Portugal y Francia, dedicado a la elaboración de papel, cartones ondulados y embalajes con el objetivo de ofrecer al mercado el abanico más amplio de...
Cartório Notarial de Mariana Bessa Ferreira Martins
Rua Engenheiro Adelino Amaro Costa 252-r/c-E, 3880-214, Ovar